Santa Barbara Kids Group, Roller-Blade in the Annual, Summer Solstice Parade, along State Street.
SB-Boys & Girls Future Division Annual Halloween Party. SGI Members in Santa Barbara, do all they can to be a part of the Santa Barbara Community and get involved in sponsoring programs and create Free Events and Family Festivals for the Santa Barbara Residents to attend. To find out about the "Victory Over Violence" free program that can be Presented in your school, church, club, or any group, please email us, click below. To Book Free VOV Presentation click here To learn more about VOV click here
SGI-Santa Barbara Kids Group enjoy their Annual Halloween Party....Everyone Welcome
SGI-SB-Members Outside the Court House, Sunken Gardens, Downtown. Santa Barbara.
Being one with the Community is very important to SGI Buddhists. Getting involved in Community Services is very important to SGI Members. Many of the SGI Gatherings have Guest Speakers from well-known International and National Organisations, as well as within our local Community. The speakers come to share their views and their commitment towards their own program. One of the many organisations is the "Nuclear Age Peace Foundation" and the "Endowment for Youth Committee." If you would like to appear at one of our gatherings please email us. TO SPEAK...EMAIL US
This website is solely for the purpose of the members and non-members of the SGI to be able to find a community of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhists in Santa Barbara. The official website for SGI USA can be found at Or for local SGI activities in Santa Barbara area please email or visit website: