The Santa Barbara Members wish to extend a warm welcome to you with open hearts for you to have a pleasant and enjoyable experience in the Santa Barbara SGI.  We hope you will venture out and come visit us for:


(Activities in SGI are free admission and everyone is welcome to attend)


 For Monthly Events send email to or call: 805-683-1616.     If no one answers leave a voice message and someone will call you back.

Santa Barbara SGI Center,
1425 State Street,
Santa Barbara,

101 from the North Exit Mission Street, take left towards State Street, take a right on State Street, SGI Building on Right.
101 from the South Exit Mission Street take a right towards State Street, take a right on State Street, SGI Building on the right. 

Parking on site is limited.  Soka Group People Movers will direct you. If car park full then please park on the street. Your patience is appreciated.  Thank you and we look forward to your visit. 



SUMMER FRIENDSHIP CELEBRATION SUNDAY AUGUST 29, 2004.  This event was a huge success!  This was held at our old building at the SGISB Community Center 5324 EKWILL ST, GOLETA.  For more details visit our other web site sbsgi : 

Mothers/Future group and boys and girls elementary group have their own gatherings.  The Future group meets the third Saturday of each month at the Santa Barbara SGI Activity Center & Book Store, for more details call the Elementary Group Representatives: 
805-453-6797 Ask for Angela Magness


World Peace Prayers sponsored by Middle Way Chapter and Santa Barbara Chapter are held at the Santa Barbara Activity Center & Book Store the first Sunday - each month at 10:00 am. 


World Peace Monthly Prayers in Central Coast Chapter are at the Santa Maria "Minami Community Center" Call for details: 805-927-1238, 805-543-2223, 805-735-7598, 805-736-0796

Click here for the Central Coast Web Site


Oxnard SGI Activity Center:
2340 Wankel Way,
Oxnard, California. 93030
Telephone: 805-983-7430
Fax Line: 805-988-823
 In Ventura Pacific Chapter World Peace Prayers each month are held at The "Livery" 33 N Palm in down town
Ventura.  Call for more details:  805-217-6813, 805-643-6323, 805-653-0502


New Years Eve World Peace Celebration every year.  7:00 pm at the SGI Centers.

New Years Day World Peace Celebration 10:00 am, 1:00 pm.  Held at the SGI Centers. This is a great way to start the New Year.


The SB Annual  "Children's Halloween Festival" and "Teen Dance"  2004 marked our 10th year of celebrating and was held on Saturday October 16th, 2004 from 2pm - 5pm.  Teen dance started at 7pm. Wear Costumes. Haunted House, live music & for the next Youth Festival. 
Call for location of the next Halloween Festival - Oxnard SGI Activity Center held their first one 2007.  Call 805-983-7430 to check if it is on each year.


Every Year in June - SGI Members are welcome to participate in the Los Angeles "Fierce Gay Pride Parade" for more information in SB call: 805-965-5893.


Ongoing Events each month held at the Santa Barbara Activity Center & Book Store are:


Every Saturday morning 8:00 am Buddhist Study. 805-570-3770, 805-965-4103 or 805-886-1441 for more details.


First Tuesday of each Month: All day

Chanting for your goals/dreams and world peace sponsored by the Womens Division. Starts at 7:00 am to 7:00 pm more information call:  Lenore Palmer: 805-563-4641


Elementary Division Meetings and Jr/Sr High School Division Meetings   Call: Angela Magness: 805-453-6797 for more information.

Youth Performing Groups: Call Alex Castro - 805-815-5700 or Idonarose Orr 805-455-2134.

"Revolution" is a Colorguard/Dance team and performs at SGI Activities for peace.  Call: 805-455-2134 for more details & visit

our performing groups web site.

Drummers:  "Drums at the Gate of Thunder"  is a youths drumline that performs for World Peace.  Also Taiko Drummers perform: Call:  Arthur Orr - 805-680-7460 for more details & visit our performing groups web site. 


STUDENT DIVISION:  Sun Lotus is a group of students and youth that meet at the UCSB Campus to discuss peace and other issues for a happy world.  (Sun Lotus meets every Wednesday during the school year)  For more information visit our sbsgiwebsite. 

Call Lisa 415-713-9518 or Tami at 619-471-4104 or Jay at 805-300-5286


Young Womens and Womens Division Buddhist Study Sophia Group each month.  More Info: Call Holly 805-637-0566 or Lenore 805-563-4641, Sandi 805-682-8830



Young Mens and Mens Division Meeting 2nd Sunday of the month 10:00 am at our SBSGI Activity Center and Book Store: Call Pete Campos for more info: 805-683-1616.


4th Saturday of each Month - "Living Buddhism" Study Lecture by Middle Way Chapter and Santa Barbara Chapter. 10:00am at our SBSGI Activity Center, Goleta. Call Pete 805-683-1616 or Angela Magness 805-453-6797 for more details. _____________________________________________________ -

Also Video tape of Sensei from Japan is played at the SGISB Activity Center check with Pete Campos for the viewing times: 805-683-1616


The Lotus Support Group is now held as an International SGI Group on the check out the website and look for the Lotus Support Group The Lotus Support Group was formed by members who have recovered from the disease of addiction and dependency and for those buddhists and their friends challenging addictions and dependency for example:  Chemical (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes), co-dependency, control issues, coffee, food, chocolate, fast-food, abuse, sex, anger, work, exercise, house-cleaning, road rage, talking excessively, religion, hobbies, shopping, lying, gambling, fear, or any obsession with dependency that causes you and others unhappiness and suffering when you participate in the obsession.